#2 – Efficient Flyback Converter with H6 Inverter using Mathematical Modelling of SMFO for Performance Improvement in Grid Connected PV System

Saravanakumar S and Arulmozhiyal R
Efficient Flyback Converter with H6 Inverter using Mathematical Modelling of SMFO for Performance Improvement in Grid Connected PV System
Dynamic Systems and Applications 30 (2021) No. 10, 1560 – 1573


The proposed flyback inverter controlled by Stochastic Moth Flame Optimization-based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) converter for the small photovoltaic (PV) power system. The system of small PV could be connected easily in a parallel manner for yielding higher output power. Once a power system PV is being constructed with the small power system, the cost of entire system will enhance and this will be matter of concern. So as to overcome this issue, this approach presents a PV system which in turn employs no expensive DC sensor however employees the technique for the estimation of PV current from PV voltage source.  The foremost intention of using mathematical formulation based stochastic moth flame optimization is to boost and optimize the PV input. The optimized source input may be helpful for varying the duty cycle based on maximum power point tracking, at which the optimal range of duty cycle is optimized at each iteration and the optimal range will be taken for pulse generation. Also, the fly back converter is one such DC-DC converter having high level of frequency and is employed in low power application. Due to this high-frequency function, losses and stresses of switching will be more. For reducing the losses and stresses of the intereaved  flyback converter is presented. Therefore, the presented system is better for dynamic system application.  In the grid-connected system, the leakage current is one of the major shortcomings and to evade this limitation, H6 inverter type is employed. By this H6 inverter advantage and fly back converter benefit, this approach mainly concentrates on the stresses over the switches and thus eradicating the leakage current and thereby reducing the Harmonics level.

Keywords: Flyback inverter, Mathematical modeling, Stochastic Moth Flame Optimization based  maximum power point tracking, H6 type inverter