#3 – Effective Resource Optimization Using Multi Operational Mobile Cloud Computing Model

Thanikaivel B, Venkatalakshmi K, Rajeswari S, and Kannan A.
Effective Resource Optimization Using Multi Operational Mobile Cloud Computing Model
Dynamic Systems and Applications 31 (2022) 105-132


Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is an emerging field with mobile device for running multiple applications where sensitive applications requires high computational resource which is limited. Mobile cloud technology resolves limitation and provides the computation resources to meets the required performance level. The applications computed in mobile cloud are mutable and migrated which degrades the performance of mobile cloud. The migration process needs to recalls the entire mobile cloud operations repeatedly such as  resource discovery, request handling, task partitioning, task scheduling and reallocation which are complex. This paper focus on the performance degradation issue by considering repeated recalling of mobile cloud operations. Moreover, A Multi Operational Mobile Cloud Computing Model (MOMCCM) is proposed by integrating the mobile cloud operations in optimized way with addressing the individual operations. The simulation of MOMCCM is carried by CloudExp and evaluated by measuring the execution time and resource utilization cost. The evaluation results shows that the proposed MOMCCM performs better with minimum execution time and the minimum resource utilization cost compared to existing mCloud and FDCO models.

Key Words and Phrases. Mobile Cloud Computing; Dynamic Resource Discovery; Multiple Request Handling; Task Scheduling; Task Partitioning; Task Offloading; Resource Optimization; Performance..