#11 – Phase Portraits of The Complex Riccati Equation With Constant Coefficients

Jaume Llibre And Claudia Valls
Phase Portraits of The Complex Riccati Equation With Constant Coefficients
Dynamic Systems and Applications 32 (2023) 189-198


In this paper we characterize the phase portrait of the complex Riccati quadratic polynomial differential systems

dz/dt = ż = a(z-b)(z-c),

with z ϵ C, a,b,c ϵ C with a ≠ 0 and t ϵ R. Taking z=x+iy, and writing the Riccati equation as the differential system ( ẋ, ẏ ) in the plane, we give the complete description of their phase portraits in the Poincare disk (i.e. in the compactification of R2 adding the circle S1 of the infinity) modulo topological equivalence.

AMS (MOS) Subject Classification. Primary 34A05. Secondary 34C05, 37C10.

Key Words and Phrases.Complex Riccati equation, Poincar\’e compactification, dynamics at infinity.