#9 – Plan of Training Foreign Legal Talents in China under the Belt and Road Initiative

Wang Xiangxiu and Zhao Yongpeng. Plan of Training Foreign Legal Talents in China under the Belt and Road Initiative. Dynamic Systems and Applications 29 (2020) No. 10, 3074 – 3087


The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) after implementation for six years, has brought about tremendous radiation to achieve remarkable achievements in the interconnection between China and other countries along the line. Besides, the great success of it has increased the demand for high-quality foreign-related legal talents in China, but the effective supply of foreign-related legal talents in China is still seriously insufficient in the staffing and quality to deal with the complicated legal affairs related to the BRI. Therefore, under the BRI, the moral background, legal essence, language features and humanistic brilliance of foreign-related legal talents should be emphasized, and the training quality of them should be continuously improved by giving equal attention to both morality and law studies, enhancing school-running strength, and establishing a union of foreign-related legal talents in colleges and universities

Keywords: The Belt and Road Initiative; foreign-related legal talents; talent training.