#6 – Asymptotic Behavior of a Lasota-Wazewska Model Under Impulse Effect

Fatma Karakoc. Asymptotic Behavior of a Lasota-Wazewska Model Under Impulse Effect. Dynamic Systems and Applications 29 (2020) No.12, 3381-3394


This paper deals with asymptotic behavior of the solutions of an impulsive Lasota-
Wazewska model with piecewise constant arguments. It is showed that under suitable impulse conditions the solutions of the model could be oscillatory about positive equilibrium while the solutions of non-impulsive model are nonoscillatory. Moreover, it is showed that every nonoscillatory solution approaches to positive equilibrium when t tends to infinity.

AMS (MOS) Subject Classification. 34K11, 39K60.

Key Words and Phrases. Lasota-Wazewska Model, Oscillation, Impulse, Piecewise Constant Argument; Difference Equation