#4 – Contractive Self Maps of α-Ψ -Type on Fuzzy Metric Spaces

Salvador Romaguera and Pedro Tirado. Contractive Self Maps of  α-Ψ -Type on Fuzzy Metric Spaces. Dynamic Systems and Applications 30 (2021) No.3, 359-370


We introduce and discuss a notion of $\alpha -\psi $-contractive self map for fuzzy metric spaces in the sense of Kramosil and Michalek, which allows us to prove a fixed point theorem that constitutes a fuzzy counterpart of a relevant fixed point theorem for metric spaces due to Samet, Vetro and Vetro. We also show that our theorem provides a characterization of complete fuzzy metric spaces.

AMS (MOS) Subject Classification. 54H25, 54E50, 47H10