#34 – Numerical calculation and research on differential equation of body motion velocity based on body ligament of Sanda

Yuefeng Pu.  Numerical calculation and research on differential equation of body motion velocity based on body ligament of Sanda.  Dynamic Systems and Applications 29 (2020) No. 3, 823-833


Sanda is one of the famous sports in China. It has always been the most intense and most entertaining competition in competitive sports. Therefore, for his fierce confrontation, the muscle changes of Sanda athletes and the body when kicking kicks. Changes in extreme situations are well worth studying. The swing kick is a consistent movement process, so for the human body, studying the musculoskeletal changes of the kickback kick is of great significance for athlete health and medical research. In this paper, the hard lever and soft body model are used to simulate the change of the human body’s swing kick. The numerical solution of the partial differential equation is used to calculate the change process and has achieved good results.

Keywords. Sanda, motion model, numerical solution of partial differential equation