#16 – Fatigue and Recovery of Martial arts Athletes Based on Fatigue Damage Model

Feng Jinhua. Fatigue and Recovery of Martial arts Athletes Based on Fatigue Damage Model. Dynamic Systems and Applications 29 (2020) No. 4, 1227 – 1240


With the continuous improvement of the technical level of Martial arts athletes, in order to further strengthen the training effect and achieve excellent results, Martial arts athletes have long assumed a larger load. Sports fatigue can not only cause the decline of athletes’ physical ability, but also lead to sports diseases and sports injuries. Only to understand the mechanism of fatigue, the recovery process of the body and the recovery mode. Only in this way can we effectively improve the performance of sports and prolong the life span of sports. This paper is based on the characteristics of sport fatigue of Martial arts athletes in sports training and competition. Means of eliminating physical fatigue and mental fatigue of Martial arts athletes are put forward. In order to improve the martial arts training, improve the athletes’ athletic ability and improve the athlete’s health. Selecting several suitable measures and means to accelerate the elimination of fatigue and recovery of physical strength. In order to ensure that the athlete’s physical and sports training develops in a benign direction, the athletic ability of the martial arts athletes will be improved as soon as possible.

Keyword: Martial arts athletes; Sports fatigue; Sports injury; Recovery