#41 – Sports Emergency Management Based on GM(1,1) and Gray Correlation Degree

Liu Shiduo. Sports Emergency Management Based on GM(1,1) and Gray Correlation Degree. Dynamic Systems and Applications 29 (2020) No. 5, 2068 – 2078


Sports teams make significant investments in the development of their players and technical equipment and facilities. Injuries can have a substantial impact on professional sports players, as they can have a significant effect on team performance and rehabilitation, which provides players with adequate costs.Injuries frequently occur in team sports and are considered a significant, financial, physical, and psychological offense for athletes and their sports system. Several methods can be used to identify risk factors for injury. However, it is difficult to understand the subtle differences between the different statistical approaches that lead to erroneous assumptions and conclusions made from the data.The proposed GM (1,1)and gray correlation degree used to predict a sports player’s injury and achieve an effective prognosis and sports medicine-related injury risk assessment.  GM(1,1) and gray correlation degree opens the novel perspective on injury prevention and presents a set of practical and straightforward rules to all of these efforts be a step in the right direction to determine the risk to help mitigate risk and ultimately improve the ability to prevent injuries. The proposed data injury accuracy prediction and also early identified the player’s chance of injury level interventions that can be made.

Keywords: Injury, GM (1, 1) Gray correlation, Sports, Prediction, Risk